Jomiss   |  e-ISSN: 2980-2628

Original article | Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies 2024, Vol. 2(1) 36-53

Social Movements and Rebellions in the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Crisis and Change: Erzurum Province 1600-1630

Bilgehan Pamuk

pp. 36 - 53   |  DOI:   |  Manu. Number: MANU-2404-27-0001.R2

Published online: June 30, 2024  |   Number of Views: 18  |  Number of Download: 62


By the end of the 16th century, agricultural and industrial advancements in Europe had significantly influenced the socio-economic framework of the Ottoman Empire. Factors such as the cessation of conquests, prolongation of wars, an increase in population, a lack of sufficient land for the timar system, and high inflation have led to the disintegration of the administrative and social structure. Although the rebellions were suppressed by harsh measures and large-scale military operations, the deterioration of the land and tax system led to the emergence of Celâlis and bandits, causing serious disruptions in the existing structure. The upheavals experienced in the Ottoman Empire during the early 17th century had notable ramifications in the strategically vital Erzurum province. The persistent state of warfare, financial instabilities, and erosion of central authority all contributed to the surge in banditry incidents within the region. Erzurum’s geographical location, situated at the crossroads of major trade routes and bearing significant strategic importance, underscores its pivotal role in maintaining regional stability. However, the exacerbation of internal turmoil precipitated Erzurum’s transformation into a focal point for the activities of both Celâlis and bandits. The scourge of banditry not only poses a grave threat to security but also inflicts detrimental effects on the socio-economic fabric of the area. In response to the escalating lawlessness in Erzurum, various measures were undertaken. The state orchestrated targeted operations against Celâlis and bandits through the coordination of local administrations and military units. Despite these concerted efforts, interventions proved inadequate in achieving a lasting resolution to the issue.


Keywords: Social Movements, Celâlis, Bandits, Erzurum, 17th Century, Crisis, Public Order.

How to Cite this Article?

APA 6th edition
Pamuk, B. (2024). Social Movements and Rebellions in the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Crisis and Change: Erzurum Province 1600-1630 . Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies, 2(1), 36-53. doi: 10.29329/jomiss.2024.1039.3

Pamuk, B. (2024). Social Movements and Rebellions in the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Crisis and Change: Erzurum Province 1600-1630 . Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies, 2(1), pp. 36-53.

Chicago 16th edition
Pamuk, Bilgehan (2024). "Social Movements and Rebellions in the Ottoman Empire in the Period of Crisis and Change: Erzurum Province 1600-1630 ". Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies 2 (1):36-53. doi:10.29329/jomiss.2024.1039.3.


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