Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies 2024, Vol. 2(2) 153-168

Gulf Migration and Socio-Economic Transformation of the Mappila Community in Kerala

Noushad Mk

pp. 153 - 168   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 26, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 19/22   |   Single/Total Download: 31/23


This work explores the socio-economic, cultural, and educational transformations of the Mappila community in Kerala, driven by migration to the Arabian Peninsula in the 19th and 20th centuries. Historically marginalised under colonial rule, the Mappilas sought opportunities in the Gulf, where they found work in construction, oil industries, and other sectors, both formal and informal sectors. These migrations were facilitated by longstanding religious and cultural ties with Arabia and were initially driven by economic necessity, as Mappilas faced exclusion from formal education and employment systems in Kerala. Remittances from the Gulf significantly enhanced the community's economic standing, enabling social mobility and land acquisition, which altered the traditional caste and class hierarchies. Migration also empowered the Mappilas through education, challenging colonial marginalisation and fostering a cosmopolitan identity. This work argues that the migration phenomenon was not only a means of escaping poverty but also a critical force in reshaping the socio-political landscape of Kerala; it acted as an inclusive tool contributing to a more equitable society and redefining the Mappilas' position within it.

Keywords: Mappila Migration, Mappilas of Malabar, Gulf Migration, Kerala Muslims, Mappila Labour Mobility.

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APA 7th edition
Mk, N. (2024). Gulf Migration and Socio-Economic Transformation of the Mappila Community in Kerala. Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies, 2(2), 153-168.

Mk, N. (2024). Gulf Migration and Socio-Economic Transformation of the Mappila Community in Kerala. Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies, 2(2), pp. 153-168.

Chicago 16th edition
Mk, Noushad (2024). "Gulf Migration and Socio-Economic Transformation of the Mappila Community in Kerala". Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies 2 (2):153-168.


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