Research article    |    Open Access
Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies 2024, Vol. 2(2) 169-182

Migration: A Complex Societal Phenomenon to Decipher

Mohamed Errachidi

pp. 169 - 182   |  DOI:

Publish Date: December 26, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 22/19   |   Single/Total Download: 35/21


Migration, a multifaceted and dynamic phenomenon, shapes societies globally. This study investigates the motivations, mechanisms, and effects of migration through sociological and economic lenses. The core problem addressed is the increasing complexity of migration's impact on demographic structures and socio-economic integration. The study aims to decipher the interplay between migration drivers and societal consequences while proposing actionable strategies for policy development. Grounded in theories such as Marxism, functionalism, and the Chicago School's ecological approach, the research explores pushpull dynamics and their implications. A mixed-methods approach, including qualitative interviews and policy analysis, was adopted to collect comprehensive data. Key findings highlight that inclusive policies enhance integration and mitigate socio-economic disparities, while restrictive frameworks exacerbate exclusion and inequality. To address these challenges, the study recommends adopting integrative policies emphasizing cultural inclusion, equitable access to education, and labor market opportunities. This approach seeks to foster harmonious coexistence and capitalize on migration's potential as a driver for mutual growth and development.

Keywords: Factors of attraction and repulsion, Migration, Social relations, Theoretical approaches.

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APA 7th edition
Errachidi, M. (2024). Migration: A Complex Societal Phenomenon to Decipher. Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies, 2(2), 169-182.

Errachidi, M. (2024). Migration: A Complex Societal Phenomenon to Decipher. Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies, 2(2), pp. 169-182.

Chicago 16th edition
Errachidi, Mohamed (2024). "Migration: A Complex Societal Phenomenon to Decipher". Journal of Migration and Settlement Studies 2 (2):169-182.


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